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The Return

Good goat times today. Gorgeous day. Powering sunshine and up near 20C/68F. For Denmark that’s legit summer temps. Although there was a bit of a wind to keep it breezy.
Naturally, on a day like that, we just did a lot of lounging around. Tired goaties in the sunshine.
Luna dozed off with her head on my leg. She made the cutest little mewling sound in her sleep, sounded like a little baby. So darn adorable.
We had some nice visitors too, kids who came into the pen and got to pet the goats. Just a lovely, quiet day.
Came home from shopping with a heavy bag of fruits and veggies. Going to give it a go this week. Cutting out the last bad habits of eating. Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and apples instead. We’ll see how that goes.
Still soup though. Always room for soup.
13/5 2024


13/5 2024

Got my Luna.

13/5 2024

I am tempted to make a Lasse version of that “look at this photograph” meme but with a goat in the photo.
Lasse on Facebook:
Look at this goat photo
13/5 2024

forgot to post this goatlog I think

14/5 2024

Phew. An hour twenty five on the bike today. This was a tough one, for a couple of reasons. Firstly it’s another hot day. Upwards of 20C/68F again and the sun beaming into my apartment, along with the spaceheater. I love exercising in the heat. Second, my legs were tired because I’ve een exerising hard lately. And third, I was hungry to the point of feeling like I was going to pass out almost. I can really feel that I’ve changed my diet the last couple of days. No bakged goods at all, mostly green stuff. And I didn’t eat or drink anything all day before the exercising. So it was a fight against low energy and strained legs. But it felt good. The harder it is the more I enjoy it. To quote my Grindr profile.
14/5 2024

Well, out of the blue I got a text from an old classmate. Turns out our class is having a 30 year reunion at the end of August.
Thirty years since we left school. Can you believe it? I can’t.
Now I know you’re all going to yell at me, but I unfortunately have declined to attend. I just.. can’t. It’s too bad, I really would like to see everyone and hear how everyone has gotten on and so on and so forth. My social phobia and anxiety and blindness is just too much. I can’t go to restaurant and be around people. It is too difficult for me. I would have a reunion with goats any day, but humans are too hard.
I’m sure I’m going to regret not going, I already do. I mentioned recently that I still often dream about old classmates. We spent 9 formative years together most of us, and I haven’t had a lot of people like that since those days. In my head we are all still 15. I hope they’re all doing well and will have a good reunion and I told him to say hi to everyone from me.
I wouldn’t be too keen on being THAT guy at the reunion either. The weirdo loser who never amounted to anyone. I got good to great grades in school, I don’t know how aware they all were of my issues. I was fat and awkward, that was apparent. Not participating much in social things. Rarely went to parties. But it was beyond just that. I remember forcing myself to get to school early so I could be the first in the classroom in the mornign because going into a classroom full of people, even people I knew and liked, was just difficult. i had some good friends, my school days weren’t a nightmare. But yeah there was always something wrong with me. I don’t mind being a weirdo loser, I just prefer being a weirdo loser in my own bubble, if you know what I mean.
I would go if it weren’t for the anxiety and dread of humans, though. I can barely go to a restaurant with my family, I’ve turned down the last few times we were all going. I just can’t deal with social situations, and a big group of people like that, it would just be too much.
I wish I could though. Wonder what they are all doing now. Probably super busy being really normal and having good lives. Bastards! Just kidding, I hope they’re all doing great. The world is a different place now. Everything is different, and so are we.
So that was a glimpse into my mind. It’s a messy place.
14/5 2024

Thank you everyone for the kind and thoughful comments on the reunion post.
Here’s a little cuteness from Luna. Not the mewling baby sound she made in her sleep, but another couple of little sounds from her.
14/5 2024

Feeling tired and depressed today. Maybe it’s the lack of pizza. Well, I trudge along. Thankful for goats and good people. One day a day.
15/5 2024

Think goat thoughts, with Luna.

15/5 2024

Good goat times today. Another bloody gorgeous day. Sunshine and 20C/68F ish. Summerly loveliness. The forecast says it will last for a bit, here’s to hoping.
As always when the sun is beaming down on us, we spent a lot of time relaxing and lounging around. But we did get out and did some exercise too. Running with the goats. It’s been a while since we had a good run around in the pen. Sky was in fine form, usually she’s the one hanging back the most on her old legs. But she was speeding back and forth. Lots of fun. And we had sweet visitors too, kids talking to the goats and to me. And I brought pumpkin seeds today so we had a pumpkin seed party. This time I tried putting them on the plywood board that I dragged over to the mountain recently. And that seemed to work very well, the goats were happy to eat off of it, and it’s big enough that they can all have a go at it without anyone being pushed off the platform or the table like the previous times. Altough Luna did have to run around to get her chances. Sky loves those pumpkin seeds, even pushing Bella out of the way several times. She’s usually not too bossy with Bella, but when it’s pumpkin seeds.. all bets are off.
Lovely May days.
16/5 2024

Sky’s favourite place to sit today. Basking in the sunshine.

16/5 2024

Pumpkin seed party!

16/5 2024

Not just goat times today. Managed an hour twenty on the bike when I got home. it’s always challenging and rewarding when I get on the bike after a goat trip.
Afterwards I measured my blood sugar and for the first time in I think years it was .. good. Great, in fact. It’s been okay at best for a long time, and too high in the longterm measurings, which is why I’ve been at the doc and been working on the diet and exercising. I can’t remember the last time I saw the levels being in the lowest end of the normal range. I hope that’s a breakthrough, and not just a fluke.
I have good cucumbers and tomatoes now and I’m really enjoying them. Tastes gooood. And I’m sure it’s eating that instead of my usual diet that’s helped the blood sugar. The downside though is.. for the last week or so I’ve been struggling with constipation again. Yes, there’s always something isn’t there. I’m sure it’s because I’m not getting enough fiber. On days when I haven’t eaten soup I have basically lived off cucubmer and tomato and carrot and apple. I tried adding some rye bread yesterday, just without the usual butter and cheese or other toppings. Didn’t seem to help much.
Well, we’ll see how it goes. I guess I’ll try adding more fiber if I can. Not necessarily intending to live on this diet forever, but if I can drop a few more pounds and get my blood sugar to stay where it is, then that would be a good thing. Maybe use some sugarfree bonbons to clear out the blockage a couple of times a week. Just for a bit.
Anyway, I’m loving the maters and cukes. I can see why the goats love them. Although the enjoy them all year round, I only enjoy them in the sunny seasons.
16/5 2024

Widowed men and sending Facebook friend requests, name a more iconic duo.
17/5 2024

Guess what I did today?
I bought a computer game. For the first time in many many many. Many. Years.
I bought Return To Monkey Island.
I have been meaning to buy it for a long time. Back in the 90s I played and loved Monkey Island 1 and 2. In fact Monkey Island 2 is close to being my favourite computer game of all time. Probably only beaten by Goal! and Ultima 7. I absolutely loved that game, so funny. Brilliant point’n’click advenures. A genre that has died a slow death over the decades. But in the 90s it was king. And then the original creators of Monkey Island left the company, LucasArts, and the companty released more sequeles. But I never really liked those and I was unhappy with how they more or less retconned the ending of MI2. So when the original creators came back a few years ago to realease their own sequel to the original Monkey Island games, well that was right eup my alleay.
Except for the part where I can’t really play games anymore. If I had still had my eyesight I would have been so ecstatic to get a proper followup to Monkey Island 2.
But I still wanted to buy it, if nothing else than to support the creators. As I said, adventure games are not really profitable these days. And I figured buying the new game would go some way to make up for the fact that I pirated the original games back in the day. I owed them money!
Anyway. I bought the game and installed it. Loaded it up and expected to not be able to play it at all. But, I can play it a little I think. Maybe. The good thing about adventure games is that they’re no action, you don’t need reflexes and quick perception. You can stare a static screen for as long as you want and decide what to do. I wish there were some more options to enhance accessibility, get more contrast etc. but it’s not completely unplayable to me. I have managed to play through the prologue of the game, with a little help from a walkthrough online. I might decide to try to play the whole game, and just get help from the walkthrough when I inevitably can’t solve a lot of the puzzles because I can’t see forest for the trees. Like in the prologue there’s a wishing well and you know you have to find a coin and throw it in there. I didn’t realise that the coin was literally right next to the well and I just couldn’t see it. Only when I read in the walkthrough that the coin was supposed to be right there, I looked and looked and looked until I found it.
But I still think i want to try to experience the story. I haven’t played computer games in decades. When I was a kid it was such a big part of my life.
If you read my diaryland 20 years ago you should recognise the dancing monkeys .Gif from the Monkey Island 2 intro. That music still hits me right in the memberballs.

17/5 2024

Time for a media report, feel free to skip if you don’t care what I’m listening and watching.
I have decided to broaden my Twin Peaks rewatch to include the bokos. At least the two modern ones by Mark Frost, The Secret History Of Twin Peaks and The Final Dossier. There’s some debate on whether they’re canon to the story. Lynch and Frost made the show together but the books are just Frost and Lynch seems to disregard them. Still, I enjoyed them when I first read them and they’re not too long. So i’m going to read them again before I start season 3 The Return.
I finished reading Russ Tamblyn’s memoir, and it was af fascinating and entertaining read. He really is a fascinatnig person. He started out saying how he had to leave stuff out because it wasn’t appropriate in this day and age. Some of the stuff that made it in was wild enough. Driving around. Riding around with Paul Newman in the tunk of his car. Haha. Of course to me that stuff about Twin Peaks was most interesting. There wasn’t too much, but it was cool to read. The story behind Dr Jacoby’s Red and Blue lensed glasses. Yes, for those who don’t know. When I recently wrote about dyeing my eyebrows red and blue, it was in homage to Tamblyn’s character Dr Jacoby on Twin Peaks. An eccentric psychiatrist who worse unglasses with one red and one blue lens. Now I can’t do that because I need my dark filter glasses. So I thought it would be fun to dye my eyebrows red and blue. The reactions on that post ranged from NO DON’T to DO IT DO IT. Haha. Unfortunately I’m not brave enough to ACTUALLY do it. I can’t stand attention from humans, i’m not flamboyant enough to do something that attention seeking. But I wish I was, because I think it could have been fun.
Now started reading Haruki Murakami’s First Person Singular. When I first discovered him I started reading all I could from him, but then eventually I had to stop myself and leave some unread so I had some of his work to look forward to. Now it’s time to read that one. After that I hope to have my hands on the new Stephen King short story collection coming out. That’s the plan.
Tonight I’m going to watch the season finale of Sugar. Looking forward to that. Just wish there were more episodes than 8. I hope it gets another season. I wouldn’t be surprirsed if it gets cancelled. That big twist they did is the kind of thing that will piss a lot of people off. You can see it in the online discussions. There are people who are angry at it. And then there are people like me who love it. But I hope we get more.
Currently listening to Frank Turner’s new record Undefeated. The last year and more 90% of the music I have been listening to is FT live shows. I need to listen more and get to know the new record, but my impression so far is that it’s not quite as brilliant as the previous stuff. There are some gems, and it’s not bad. But it’s not quite as devastatingly vital as the earlier stuff. Maybe I just need to find some live shows with the new material. I love listening to live shows.
Of course I have to find some time to try and play Return to Monkey Island too now.
That’s where we are now.
17/5 2024

For the premium subscribers, here’s a little preview of a future video. Sky running so fast that she slides to the ground.
Maybe she should be playing baseball. Sky slides into first!
17/5 2024

I am a passenger
18/5 2024

For the oremium subscribers, a little Behind The Scenes clip, Bella rolling around while the cameraman is setting things up.
18/5 2024

Phew. An hour twenty five on the bike today. It’s a hot day. Up around 23C/73F which is very hot for Denmark. I almost considered not turning on the space heater. But I braved the risk of heatstroke, turned on the heather and put on my raincoat and got going. Feels good.
Another good blood sugar reading afterwards. Little higher than last, but still in the low end of the normal range, lower than I’ve had for years. Despite the fact I forgot to take my meds this morning, whoops. I usually remember. But that’s encouraging. Keep on keeping keepkeep keep me once fool on me keeeeeeeaaaahn!
18/5 2024

Well, how long did it take for the new replacement camera to take a fall?
Not too long. Thankfully it seems to have survived without any ill effects. I really can’t afford to have to replace another camera.
This time it seems no goats were guilty. It was the wind. Unless a goat farted on it. I have my suspects..
18/5 2024


19/5 2024

Phew phew. An hour twelve on the bike today. I wanted to try doing it two days in a row. Haven’t done that since I started up again, and would only rarely do it in the past. The legs need restoration rest. But it’s a holiday in Denmark and my schedule is a little mixed up so I thought i’d give it a go. It was even hotter today too. I am beat, and my legs are murder. Murder, I wrote.
But I enjoy the exertion. And got another perfect blood sugar reading aftewards. Three in a row. Maybe I have cracked the code on that, let’s hope. Didn’t see as good a result on the weight as I had hoped. Maybe the constipation issue is keeping my belly full of weight. Let’s say that. I am not sure how long I’ll go with the current diet. Seems to be great for the blood sugar, but I probably want to add some bread and other stuff back in at some point. We’ll see. I’m loving the cucumbers and tomatoes a lot. It would probably be a good idea to cut back on the soup. Eating less. Not less often, but less volume. Because when I eat soup I cook up a whole pot that could feed a family. Don’t judge me, hatters gon hat.
Anyway. At least I’m working on things. If the blood sugar highs, I mean lows, continue then I probably won’t have to get new meds, as I’ve been talking to the doc about. That would be nice.
Now it’s soup time. Big soup.
19/5 2024

Big tired Bella energy right now. Can’t wait for bedtime.

19/5 2024


That’s all for now.

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