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The Weight

When you try to take a picture of yourself with Bella and Luna… well, I think i’m in there somewhere.

20/5 2024

Got two fans running in my room for the first time.
Yes, I have turned my apartment into a racetrack for Lasse fans!
No no, windy fans. Spaceheaters actually without the heat on. Just blowing air. It’s super hot right now.
It feels like 30C/86F in my apartment. It’s probably fairly less, but I haven’t had my windows open all day. Because I’m smart like that. Time for some cukes and maters.
20/5 2024

Good goat times today. Another bloody gorgeous day. Up around 22C/71/F. Beautiful and sunny. But with a fresh breeze to keep it comfortable, not that humid pressuring heat you get sometimes. Just lovely.
I seem to remember last year we had some beautiful days in May too, and then the actual summer was mostly mild and unimpressive. I hope it won’t go like that this year too, I want more sunny days. More more more.
Just looked at the forecast and we have rain coming soon. Typical!
Well I enjoyed the sun today, and so did the goats. Lots of lounging about and relaxing. We went out grazing in the long pen too. And had some sweet visitors too. A young girl, probably 10-11 years old, came in and helped Maja get fresh water and hay for the goats. She was very sweet. And her mother or supervisor was quite delighted when Sky was giving me paws.
Lovely summery days with the furs and feathers.
21/5 2024

Enjoying a sunny Sky.

21/5 2024

Last night I dreamt that I was costarring in a new episode of Seinfeld. Which is strange, because apparently you couldn’t do that show today. Hmm. Elaine was looking strange, I think she had dreadlocks. Now I want to see Elaine with dreadlocks. That’s what’s so insane about this.
21/5 2024

Hanging out with Luna.

21/5 2024

A beautiful day in the goathood.

21/5 2024


22/5 2024

22/5 2024

Reach for the stars, Bella.

22/5 2024

Good goat times today. The weather cooled down a little, but it was a lovely sunny morning. The forecast promised rain later on. Of course it didn’t start raining until right when I left for my walk home. Typical! There is a promise of massive rain later on, but for my walk home it was pretty light. Just lovely summer rain. I don’t mind that as long as it’s not cold.
And before that I had a lovely time in mostly sun with the goats. Sweet visitors, sweet Jeanette, sweet furs and feather. I got to pet bot Red Sonja and Henrietta Solo, just briefly. They aren’t really petting chicks. They’l let JEanette pick them up to be petted by visitors, but if you just reach out to them they’ll usually scoot away.
Oh and I enocunted a bunny on my way to the playground. I was nearly there when I saw some animal running along a grass path. My first thought was, is it the fox again? My eyesight wasn’t good enough to be able to tell what it was. But it ran out into the road, and there were cars coming from both sides so for a second I was worried it might get hurt. But the cars slowed and the running thing seemed to stop and look around and then turn back and run to the grass. And then ran closer by me and I could see if it was a bunny. I don’t know if it was a wild bunny or an escaped pet or something. It was gone before I could even think to do anything. It ran back in the direction of the residential blocks, I think it would be more likely to belong to the green areas around and beyond the playground. Hopefully it will get to where it belongs okay. And I’m glad it wasn’t the fox. The feathers have been outside pretty much all the time lately, so it seems like the fox isn’t coming around our place anymore. Hooves crossed.
23/5 2024

Bella and the butt.

23/5 2024

Not just good goat times today. Another double duty day, coming home from goating and doing an hour on the bike. Hard, but good. Afterwards another perfect blood sugar measurement, and a new low (since restarting diet and exercise) on the weight. So that’s motivating. Back has been better this week too, on the other hand depression has flared recently. But hey, one day a day. Just a rabiit in your headlights.
23/5 2024

Goat your nose! Luna is always a little in your face.

23/5 2024


24/5 2024

Well this time I managed to get both Bella and Luna in the shot with me, more or less.

24/5 2024

Sky’s got a room with a view.

24/5 2024

Got an hour twenty on the bike today. Roll roll roll your feet, around in circles. Another great blood sugar measuring and a good drop on the weight. Feeling motivated.I’ll try to keep it going, keep it going full steam. Enjoy the weekend!
25/5 2024

If I was that limber dot dot dot

25/5 2024

By the by, I know one of the things I’m known for amongts things like “goats” and “tomatoes” and “an almost uncanny amount of human social skills” is also “Pizza”. I feel it should be noted for the record that I have not eaten pizza, or any junk food, in almost two months. No doubt that has contributed to the better blood sugar and lost weight.
Speaking of weight, I just consulted Dr Google, and according to his expert and trustworthy opinion, my weight is getting close to being within the “Healthy weight range” for my height. There’s a little bit to go, and I’d still be in the extreme high of the range. But hey, it’s something. There was a time in my life when I was up to 200 pounds, and I’m a short guy. That’s a while ago, maybe more than a decade.. But it has always been something I struggled with, from early childhood. And it’s part of the cause of a very heavy emotional baggage I carry around as well. But here we are, one day a day. I’m working on it. Workworkwork.
25/5 2024

Goat company.

26/5 2024


That’s all for now.

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