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What Month Is This

Good goat times today. A little cooler, and with a little rain now and then. But also a bit of sun. Jeanette brought a crop of branches with fresh leaves for the goats and they were quite delighted with that. We had some sweet visitors in the pen too. And the feathers fluttering afoot. Got to relax with Luna’s head dozing off on my leg again too, always sweet. I like when I can feel her eyes start twitching, knowing she must be dreaming. Perchance of treats. The forecast says we have major rains coming in soon. Hopefully it won’t be too long before the sun comes back in force.
27/5 2024

The goats and their bounty of green. Thank you Jeanette!

27/5 2024

Aw, look at the three of them sitting together. Sky and Luna next to each other. I must confess, it didn’t happen quite organically. Sky was sitting there by herself, it’s one of her favourite spots. So I sat down with her. And then Luna came over and sat down next to me. That’s how they ended up sitting so close. Just imagine me sitting next to Sky and Luna just behind me, before I got up to take the pic. But it’s nice when they’re close.

27/5 2024

Wouldn’t it be perfect if I finished my huge Twin Peaks TV/Movie/book rewatch/read and then A NEW ONE COMES OUT.
Okay, he’s probably just going to announce that he’s going to start doing weather forecasts again.
Ugh I’m going to have to try not to get too excited.
“DAVID LYNCH announces that “Something is coming along for you to see and hear… on June 5”

David Lynch To Debut New Work June 5th

27/5 2024


28/5 2024

No no this is all wrong, this thing needs to go over here. Luna is a master of goat shui.
28/5 2024

Was feeling pretty sad and tired today. Maybe because the sun went away? I managed to get up on the bike though, for an hour forty five. Legs felt strong. Good going. Trying to keep it going. Don’t think pizza thoughts don’t think pizza thoughts.
Gonna grab me a plate of cucumber and tomato. With a splash of ketchup. Is that weird? I guess they do that in burgers, don’t they? I’m perfectly normal. I like ketchup with the cucumbers. I have also been known to take a scoop of peanut butter. scooping it up with cucumber slices, I like that. I also like big huge oily pizzas with melting chesee gET OUT OF MY HEAD
28/5 2024

Managed to get a shot with Bella and Luna with me. Wonders never cease.

28/5 2024

Another selfie with the kids, now we just gotta get Sky in there too. I’ll need an extra extra wide lens.

29/5 2024

Good goat times today. Grey but with sunshine now and then. Jeanette had a meeting day, so I tried to do some fence duty and help visitors get some goat time. I’m not the best at that, but the kids got some thrills of feeding the goats. And the goats got fed. So that’s a win win. I also went and picked some greens from them from outside the playground grounds. At first they were very upset that I was leaving them. Then they were very happy that I came back with branches for them. Life’s a rollercoaster, you just gotta ride it.
Came home and did an hour ten on the bike. Legs dead, but good measurings afterwards. Now, it’s time to ride the soup train to bloatsville.
30/5 2024

The three goats of the apocalypso.

30/5 2024

Can’t wait to see the party of law and order ignore law and order, like the religious people ignoring religious teachings,, the prolifers ignoring kids murdered in schools, the animal lovers ignoring the destruction of the globe the animals live on, and so on and so forth.
ignore this. I just had to fart out a little shart before bed. Ima set it straight this watergate. Black crosses on wooden doors, if you float you’ll burn.
Hail to the thief.

30/5 2024

You want it goater.

31/5 2024


31/5 2024

I am very impressed by the “I’m more MAGA than ever” posts. Like we ever thought it would be different. You voted a guy into office after hearing him on tape bragging about molesting young women. We’re not shocked that you don’t care about him being found guilty in the pornstar hush money case. You’ve shown your character, you’ve shown that character doesn’t matter anymore. Praying on your flag bibles will still get you into heaven, or failing that your golden shoes will help you jump out of purgatory.
Oh mean I really hate the world. I am tired and I want to give up.
31/5 2024

It’s a yabba-dabba-doo-doo time
31/5 2024

Hey June.
1/6 2024

Got an hour twenty on the bike today. My legs felt strong when i began, but they quickly jellified and I had to rethink my strength. Still, I’m going ahead full speed. Trying to outrun the past. Good blood sugar and weight readings aftewards. Hot sun outside, although the weather forecast unfortunately looks pretty gloomy. Looks like we may have a repeat of last year. A glorious stretch in May and then more usualy unsteady Danish summer weather. I hope the sun won’t give in. Make Denmark Sunny Again!
1/6 2024

Current mood: *blinking Low Battery indicator*
1/6 2024

This could be your lucky day.

2/6 2024


2/6 2024

Watch out, Sky. Red Sonja the giant is coming for you.

2/6 2024

The camera. It’s so shiny. I must murder it.
I guess goats see the camera as cats see the christmas tree balls.
Here comes Luna.

2/6 2024


That’s all for now.

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