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Cold Wet Danish Summer

Good goat times today. Another coold ay. With a harsh cold wind. But at least we avoided the heavy rains that came over the weekend, and we got some spells of sunshine which was good.
Funny incidents from today included Luna chasing one of the feathers so the feather squawked which spooked Sky so she did a five mile marathon in 10 steps which meant Luna had to get out the way. The circle of goats. And Bella jumping into the wheelbarrow that Jeanette was using to get some stuff from the storage room. Ever helpful.
And we had some sweet visitors. My little buddy Lilly was among them, and as always she ignored the goats and went straight to me to have a look at my camera and my glasses. She still has a fascination with those. She’d point to my glasses and then point to her own. And then wave to me, even though she was standing to steps away. She’s such a sweetheart, and eventualyl she got to feeding and petting the goats too.
There was a boy with them too, I think he’s a return visitor too. He tried to almost climb on Sky to ride her like a horsey, we had to tell him that wasn’t okay. But it was pretty funny, and he didn’t sit on her just sort of straddling her before we got him off.
The indignities we must suffer, Sky seemed to say. In my head anyway.
10/6 2024

The goats like the bush next to their front door.

10/6 2024

Well, the picture didn’t turn out that great but here’s Bella helping with the wheelbarrow.

10/6 2024

Got on the bike for an hour twenty today. Still going strong. It’s too cold though. I much prefer exercising in heat. Even with the space heater pounted at me it’s not quite the same when you don’t have the sun beaming into the aprtment. Some like it Hoth.
I miss eating cakes. Sigh.
Well, time for a plate of cucumber and tomato. Livin’ large. Less large in time, hopefully.
11/6 2024

Here’s an artistic impression of Jeanette cuddling Sky.
What? No, I didn’t forget to clean the camera lens. I’m an artist. Je suis un artiste! I cannot explain my divine inspiration, I am just a conduit for the mysterious forces of this space and time.

11/6 2024


Good goat times today. More cold and windy. But some sunny spells that were quite nice too, before a little bit of rain. Danish summer, what else is new.
Other than that a pretty quiet day, just hanging around with the crew. We had some nice visitors in the pen too. One boy was carrying around some kind of ragdoll, and the goats did not like that one bit. It’s funny, you never know what will triger them. That doll scared the bajeeses out of them. They were staring it down like it was Chucky. And when the kid started swinging it around they ran away for dear life. We may need to enfore a No Dolls In The Goat Pen rule.
Treats and a fresh bouquet of branches with leaves from Jeanette did help.
12/6 2024

Hanging out with the kids.

12/6 2024

I can’t believe it’s already the Twelftieth of Junecronomicon.
12/6 2024


13/6 2024

Got an hour twenty in on the bike today. So that was good. I was hoping to up my goat time this week, but my schedule has been a bit off because I’ve had a bunch of packages arriving and I’ve tried to be home to get them. But I am hoping to up the goat time. I still have massive back problems, but I’m feeling better and better physically. And I really want to try to be there more for the three little goat ladies. Because they’re hte lgihts of my life. I’ll try.
The exercising is going well. Down about 20 pounds since November now. Blood sugar has been perfect for almost a month now I think. Depression still hits hard at times, but I’m doing my best.
13/6 2024

At least the rains keep the greens growing.

13/6 2024

If you want to destroy this Lasse, hold this soup as I walk away
13/6 2024

There is freedom within. There is freedom without.
13/6 2024

Aw, Sky and Bella sitting down next to each other. Always good when they’re close.

14/6 2024

No, I completely understand irony. What I don’t understand is ironing. How the heck does that work, it’s like magic.
14/6 2024

Got another hour twenty five in on the bike today. It all adds up. I hope. Very tired legs. But I like pushing myself. Keep on trucking, I mean biking. Gonna serve me up some soup now and relax. Tomorrow Denmark’s footballsportsteam will play their first game in the Eurocontinentalcommie Championshipsgames. I am sure you wil be looking forward to my support. Vi er røde, vi er hvide, vi skal dælme ud og ski..
14/6 2024

Line ’em up!

14/6 2024

Watching old snl again. Leslie Nielsen hosting. Can I just butt in right here and say that I love Leslie Nielsen. And i’m not just saying that because Nielsen is a Danish name.
14/6 2024

Another hour and twenty on the bike today. Two days in a row, always challenging, but rewarding. It was warmer today, with the sun coming in. Feels good. Ride and diet. I may not be working well, but at least I’m working hard.
Now I’m going to go watche the footieballs. ‘ere we go ‘ere we go ‘ere we go.
Oh, and a goatlog.

16/6 2024

You’re right, Sky. We’re not going to talk about the football.

16/6 2024


That’s all for now.

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