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Exits And Exits

Good goat times today. The weather heated up a little bit. Only up to 17C/62F, but that’s an improvement. There were a lot of clouds, but not enough to keep the sun out. So it was quite lovely at times, nice to have some feeling of summer back.
Lots of visitors today. New people found the playground. It got a little rowdy. There was a sweet little girl who came in and gave Luna a full on hug, which was super sweet. Then she went to do it to Bella and too, and Bella was like ‘Nope’. And ran from her. Normally Bella is the confident one, but she seemed a little on edge with all the ruckus and the kids running around. So she ran away, and had kids running after her which just made her run faster. We had to tell the kids not to run after the goats, if the goats say no to socializing then they have to respect that. Things calmed down, and Bella was much happier when the kids came with carrots and started picking weeds for the goats too. They found some weeds that the goats really liked, so that was nice. There was a nice lady with the kids who asked questions and was very complimentary of me and it was all very nice and sweet. Sky got a lot of cuddles because she wasn’t fazed by all the rowdiness at the beginning. I think the kids had quite a good experience, i’m sure we’ll see some of them again.
Once the visitors left the goat gang, including me, sat down and relaxed in the sun. A job well done.
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Relaxing with the gang. after all the hullabaloo of the visiting kids had left.
The goats got all worked up again later, when it was time for me to leave. I notice as I was going that my blindey badge was gone. So I had to go back in the pen to find it. I did find it, but Bella managed to slip out the gate when I came back in. So, then I had to try to catch her. But I’d thrown all the last peanuts out on the ground when I was leaving, that’s what I usually do to distract them a bit so they don’t get too upset when I leave. Well, now I had no treats to lure Bella back in. I managed to grab her by the horns, but she wrestled free and now she was even more wary of me. Well eventually I just left the gate open and went back up to the goat house. As I expected, all the goats came following me up there, including Bella. So then I quickly went down and close the gate, with me on the outside. Phew. But all that running aroudn and escaping and all, well it upset the goats. And I felt bad about leaving as they were all crying. Yeah, guilt trip worked. So i went back and gathered some branches outside the grounds so they could have something to snack on instead of yelling after me as I went. Leaving is always a pain!
Anyway, this photo is nice and calm.

17/6 2024


18/6 2024

Sitting with the kids. While Sky is being cheeky and mooning us from the platform. Atta girl.

18/6 2024

In case you missed it on the news, today I defrosted my freezer. There is a special pleasure in the big flakes of ice peeling off. A shedding of the winter fur, an unburdening of the troubled mind. Baggage melting away. METHAPORE
Also got a Pepsi delivery, this time with Pepsi. Just to make sure I have it in stock. Never know when we might get an influx of tourists.
This concludes my statement, a notary will certify the veracitude shortly. All rights reversed.
18/6 2024

Good goat times today. Harsh wind in the morning, and clouds in the sky. But the sun did its thing and warmed up the day nicely. Good to be back to days that at least feel somewhat summery. So good to just sit around and relax in the sun with the goats. Their fur gets so warm under the sun, no wonder they need to just zonk out when we’ve been running around for a couple of hours.
Nice visitors again today. The little boy Khalil was back. He’s always full of energy. Running around. He probably needs a nap when they get back too. He was happy to feed the goats and the goats were happy to be fed. Other than that it was mostly pretty quiet, just hanging around. Relaxing with breaks for snacks. Not too shabby.
19/6 2024

Today’s gathering of the goats.

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One year ago we went and picked up these two little goaties and brought them home to the pen and big sis Sky. Bella and Luna, one year bigger. Happy goativersary.

19/6 2024

Good goat times today. A lovely day, less wind, more sun. Up close to 20C/68F which is quite summery for Denmark. Nice to be sitting in the sun with the goats again.
We had a bunch of visitors too. Sweet kids in the pen, talking to me and the goats. And Jeanette made pancakes for them on the campfire. She asked me if I wanted any, but I politely declined because I’m on a diet. I have barely had any bread the last couple of months, and no cake at all. Trying to keep the streak going. I am also not used to eating around other people and my anxiety and shame would complicate. But it was nice to be asked, and I bet the kids enjoyed those freshly made pancakes on an open fire on a beautiful day. How lovely. The goats enjoyed a branch Jeanette found for them and I brought pumpkin seeds so we had a pumpkin seed feast on the plywood board, nom nom nom.
When I got home I managed to get on the bike for an hour twenty. I had planned to NOT do that to give my legs a chance to recuperate, but the sun got me all in the mood to do some biking. Legs tired now, but worth it.
Almost time for the big footyballsport game now. Denmark vs England. Now that’s a classic. I’ll come back and report how much we won by which is a thing that’s definitely going to happen, words my mark.
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Sunny day goat estate

20/6 2024

Well, the ballfoot game ended 1-1 between Denmark and England. Same result as our first game against Slovenia. That game was a huge disappointment for us, the draw against England is a much better result since England are among the favourites to win the European Championboat. Now remains our last group game against Serbia and we still have a chance of qualifying for the next round. Hard to say where we stand, the last few years our national team has been pretty poorly performing. The game against England showed promise.
Alright enough ball talk. If you read through the sports I will reward you with a funny Denmark fact. In Danish if you want to say someone farted you say they “slog en prut” which literally translates to “hit a fart”. That’s right, in Denmark you hit people with farts. The more you now.
20/6 2024

Sky enjoys the green season.

21/6 2024

Regretting my decision to go into vampire dentistry. But I appreciate my ne friendship with Zombie Wilford Brimley.
21/6 2024


22/6 2024

Got on the bike today for an hour twenty. Felt weaker than in a long time, tired and wonky legs. Felt a little deflated afterwards. But perked up when I got my lowest weighed weight since I think 2015. I have a text file with weight results going back to I think 2013. It’s a rollercoaster ride of losing and gaining weight, since I got the diabeetus. I have been lower than I am now, but more often I have been considerably higher. So it’s motivating to see those results. I’ll try to keep going. At some point I have to eat cake again. I must. But I also know myself well enough to know that cake in moderation isn’t at hing for me. Candy in moderation isn’t a thing for me. Junk food in moderation isn’t a thing for me. Once I dip my toe in, I go overboard. But hey, for now it’s a lot of fruits and veggies, and soup. And exercise. And good results. So for now it’s pretty pretty good.
22/6 2024

Finished reading Michael Ricchard’s Entrances And Exits. If you’re a Seinfeld fan this is a must read. There’s a goldmine of information and background on how he shaped the Kramer character and what went into. Fascinating stuff, it’s making me want to do another rewatch of the show. Also interesting stories of his past and of course a reckoning of his public meltdown. And a lot of really surprisingly interesting stuff about philosophy and thoughts on religion and stuff. Super interesting read, in my opinion. And the audiobook is read by himself which is always a treat when you read memoirs.
Next up is Carrie by Stephen King. Which I have surprisingly never read. I have been going around debatign whether I should start reading the Dark Tower series, whidh I have also never read. The stuff I read about it is putting me off a little, the gunslinger doesn’t sound appealing to me and it’s not set on Earth I guess? The dark tower concept itself is intriguing and I know it’s very relevant to the whole Stephen King universe. But I just prefer stories set in our world. That’s probably my favourite thing about the King books, the characters and settings, just diving into those, even if the plot goes off the rails sometimes. I’m worried that I might not enjoy it as much if it’s set in other worlds. At some point I suppose I will get to tackling that journey, but for now I guess I’m instead going to fill in some of the blanks in his older bibliography, maybe some of the books I read as a kid and barely remember. It is a treasured memory, getting my mom’s King books and reading those, probably some of my earliest forays into more mature literature. Sitting in the shade in my parents bedroom and reading Regulators and Desperation during a summer holiday is strong memory. When I was younger I think I didn’t like the heat so much. It was cooler in my parents bedroom. When I was a kid I’d sleep with an open window when there was snow on the ground, i’d go walking outside in snowstorms for fun. These days my circulation is show and I can’t stand the cold but I crave the sunny days.
Anyhoo. That’s neither here nor there.
In music news I got the new Eels album Eels Time. Eels is one of my favourite bands of all time, but they haven’t really been able to get back to the highs of Electro-Shock Blues again. That album might be my second favourite of all time, after Adore by the pumpkins. I still love Eels and always look forward to their new releases and usually enjoy them a lot, but it never quite hits the emotional highs of ESB. And I can’t really get myself to really hope they find that level again, because ESB was highly highly informed by personal tragedies. Makes for powerful music, but you don’t want to wish that on people.
On the TV front I’m itching to get started on watching Twin Peaks The Return. After finishing season 2 I have been reading the books. Currently reading The Secret Diary Of Laura Palmer, which must also have been one of my earliest more mature reads. I remember being almost embarrassed when I went and bought it at the book shop in City Vest because .. well it was the diary of a girl! And I was what a 12 year old boy or something like that. Haha. Funny to think of now. Well I have always felt great shame about who I am and what I do. I just wrote on twitter, once you’re fat you’re always fat. No matter how much weight I lose I will always be fat, I will always feel all the shame and pain. Can’t burn that off on the bike. But still, burning the calories is a good thing.
Alright, I’ll shut uppa my face now. Hope you’rea ll doing well out there. Enjoy the summer of George!
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Bellax, the Bella version of chillax.

23/6 2024

Blue sky Luna.

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That’s all for now.

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