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I’ll Sing For You

Thank you for the support, guys. You are always great when I need it. I’m still feeling sad, of course. Stabbing pain when I think of little kittens getting hurt. But I guess that’s normal, even if it were for kittens that weren’t going to be mine. Kittens shouldn’t hurt. Little Luna, she was to be mine. I know I never got to hold her, but it still feels like she was torn right out of my arms.

I made a little video. http://youtube.com/watch?v=pfdomLlMPEc. With Luna the kitten and Luna the song. I hope I’m not being too pathetic. But I don’t want to forget her. I know I will get a cat eventually, from a shelter most likely as was the original plan. And I know I will be happy with that cat. Life will go on. Inevitably so. But for now, it seems a little cruel.

Bye Luna. I hope you’re in a better place. Playing with your brothers.

3 Responses to “I’ll Sing For You”

  1. Debster Says:

    What a nice tribute video and you’re not being pathetic. I see there were other videos from people who had lost a kitty, too.

    Yes, go to Plan B: animal shelters have lots of kitties, teen kats, and adult kats that need a good home. And I believe you could give a needy kitty a very good home indeed, Plume.

    You’ll know when the time is right to go to the shelter and look around. The kitty will probably pick YOU instead of the other way round!

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – Yes, I know I’ll get a lovely kitty some time. When I’m ready for it.

  3. LuisLemmings Says:

    Going to the animal shelter is the best plan. Getting a kat there will help ease your mind and heart.

    Debster is right. Animals have this sixth sense about people. They know who will treat them well and those who don’t.

    In fact, two days ago my sister emailed me and told me that a kitten has taken up residence in her garage. She already has two other kats though much older.

    She has no clue where this kitty came from, but it likes to sleep in the garage. The side door is left open and she comes in, eats some food, plays with the older kats in the house, and seems to be right at home with them.

    My sister suspects that someone in the neighborhood wasn’t taking care of the kitty and it just wandered around looking for a new place to live.

    So I guarantee you it will be the same once a kat picks YOU to be his/her new friend.


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