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A Day In The Life Of Plume

Today was a succesful day, I must declare. Everything I had planned got done. And then some.

I started the day with a little cleaning. That’s a good thing about the visitation thing, it motivates you to keep the place fairly clean. Hah.

After that I took a shower.

Then I went to the laundry room and booked the machines for Thursday. That’ll be the first time I do laundry on my own. With soap! Let’s hope I don’t mess it up.

Then I did the leftover dishes from yesterday. Ah, the single life.

Then I waited for Mojtaba, the visitations guy, to show up. And he did. And we took a walk. It was quite nice. We went to the library first. He showed me some of the non-library related things you can do there. Then we went to the City Vest shopping center. He took me upstairs to “værestedet”, a place where you can come and hang out. A place for people with problems like mine. I’m not sure I’m quite ready to start going there on a regular basis yet. But maybe I’ll go grab a hot meal some day, they have a cheap food service. Then I can sit down and eat a bit on my own and maybe start to feel comfortable enough to go more often? Possibly. We’ll see.

Then we walked around a little more. We talked for a bit. He seems to be a very nice guy. Iranian, he told me. Came to Denmark in 1985. When I got the first letter from him, scheduling the first visit, I didn’t know if he was male or female. I have never seen the name Mojtaba before. But then Trine kept referring to him as “him” when we discussed whether she should be there first time. So that clued me in. Anyway, he seems to be fairly easy to be around. I even managed to take a few iniatives in the conversations, so that’s good. We walked by Føtex, the supermarket in the shopping mall. He asked if I did most of my shopping there. And I do. So he said “you know there’s a Netto close by, right?”. I did not. Netto is quite a bit cheaper than Føtex. So he showed me where the Netto was. Maybe I’ll start doing some of my shopping there. Føtex is a bit closer and has a larger selection of goods and foods, though. But can’t hurt to have a cheaper place to get groceries.

So that went quite well. He asked if I thought meeting once a week is too much or too little. I’m not quite sure. On one hand it’s a bit stressful, especially before the meeting. It would kind of be nice to have two weeks between meetings. But on the other hand I know it’s good for me and the more often I do it the easier it will be. So for now it looks like we’ll be meeting on Mondays. Next week we’ll take another walk, visit some of the places we didn’t get around to today.

After calming down a little I went downtown and picked up my tickets for Tina Dickow in February. 285 kroners. Bloody highway shrubbery. Robbery, I mean. Good thing I didn’t manage to get tickets to the November show, or I’d be broke. Nah, she’s worth it. I misunderstood the seating plan a little, turns out I’m in row 9. But still, it’s not out in the side wing as I usually do it. I’m looking forward to it already. I should try to find another (cheaper) concert to go to in the meantime, though. I love live music, no reason to go around and wait for February. Maybe at my former workplace, Kulturgyngen. They usually have underground/unsigned/cheap acts. I must check out their program for the coming month. I used to make that program every month, donchaknow.

Back at home I packed my Seinfeld DVDs in a giant envelope. I mentioned I was selling off my Seinfeld and Simpsons collection, right? Money money money, makes the world go round. Gotta afford those concerts… I went to the post office and managed to get the Cash On Delivery thing sorted out. Hopefully in a couple of days I’ll receive payment. Although I have a bit of a bad feeling about it, I hope I don’t get ripped off somehow. Hmm.

Then I had myself some lunch and did some computer related spelunkering. And then I collapsed on my bed. Very tired from running around outside and meeting people and dealing with clerks and cashiers and forms and all that. A nap was needed. I barely managed to fall asleep when my phone rang. I decided to ignore it, both times. Too tired. Then five minutes later it rang again. Okay, okay. I picked it up. And it was a lady who wanted to buy my Simpsons DVDs. Nice. A couple of hours later she turned up at the door with her son in tow. And the deal was done. Cash in hand. I managed to get rid of both my Seinfelds and Simpsons today, that was a welcome surprise. Although I’ll miss their shiny boxes…

Then I had me some dinner. Cold chicken. Now that my oven is all ready for action I really should try warm chicken some day.

And now I’m procrastinating at the computer, seeing if I can get this entry done before midnight when I turn into a smashed pumpkin.

I’ll finish off with a trio of poorly snapped photos. I took them while coming back from the laundry room. I don’t think you have seen my block or appartment from that side. From the side where the kids usually play.

my block

The appartment block.

my appartment

Somewhat closer. I had my drapes closed. To the left is the kindergarten/daycare thing.

my appartment

And upper closer of the appartment. I’m not sure what that writing means. I imagine it’s code for “kill the infidel when judgment day arrives” or some such thing.

All done. Quite a productive day I have had. And now it done, bye bye.

2 Responses to “A Day In The Life Of Plume”

  1. Debster Says:

    Glad to hear the second visitation went well. It’s nice you were able to choose to meet once a week.

    Good idea to walk around the neighborhood to see what shops/stores are available in your area. The place where you can go to hang out sounds rather nice. Sort of like a coffee shop or cafe where you could read a book or even people-watch.

    Sometimes we can find a certain brand of food/drink we like only at one store, so it’s nice to be aware of several different places you can shop. That way you have a choice in what you buy.

    I’m sooo happy for you that you’re are adjusting so well living on your own. I knew you could do it, Plumey. And as time goes on, you’ll do better and better on getting out and about. You may never become a “party animal”, but you’ll get to the level of socializing that’s comfortable for you.

    Although if we put you and Mads and some raisins, nuts, and lemonade together with some Tina Dickow music . . . we just might have two “pary animals” to watch!

  2. Plume Says:

    Debster – That sounds like my kinda party!

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