Goats On Film
I had a rather nasty dream today. It involved sitting in the dark with a big, sharp blade and gathering up the courage to cut myself.
But we don’t want to think about bad things. It’s been an okay day. Spent quality time with the goats. And why not a couple of videos why not?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H446BCjZLX4. That was supposed to be another goat circus video. But Magnethe had other plans… she decided to go check out the camera. I find it quite amusing the way she walks up towards it and then disappears under the view… and then a couple of seconds later her head pops up. Fun. Although thinking about it now I guess it was rather lucky that she didn’t push it over. It could have been a very costly clip.
And you’ll see Vanilje jumping up on me. She does that a lot, jumps up on things like that. She alway supports her front legs on something. The buck doesn’t, he likes to just jump up and balance on his hind legs. Like some kind of oversized circus dog. Hehe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzSRrImh6ZU. As is evident.
Also goats on heroes. I love goats, did I mention that?
Okay then.
October 2nd, 2007 at 22:33
I think Magnethe knows what a camera is. She likes to have videos made of herself and the other goatzies.
It’s pouring down rain right now. No goatzies to be seen here. Everyone is in the barn.
The other evening when we were all out for walkies, we could tell it was going to rain, so my husband and I headed back to the barn. Goatzies didn’t want to come in, of course. We felt light raindrops falling, but goatzies were under a tree and didn’t feel them until they were great big drops of cold rain.
My, my, should of seen all the leaping and jumping and full steam ahead running back to the barn! Goatzies were sprinting back to their stall as fast as they could run. They sure don’t like the rain at all.
October 3rd, 2007 at 21:47
Debster – I was rather surprised to see her walk away from the nut giveaway! She’s quite the diva. She wanted a closeup!
Sweet goat story. I wish we could sit around the fireplace and tell goat stories, hand them down to our grandchildren and their grandchildren. And the goat’s grandchildren.