Sir Muddypants And The Lamblings Of Doom
My pants are quite muddy now. Why? Because I had dirty little lambs crawling all over me today.
Yes, they are so big and brave now that you don’t even have to pick them up anymore, they’ll happily crawl up in your lap to investigate you.
I would show you pictures (of the lambs, not the pants), but it seems all the issues with the webhost move wasn’t resolved after all. I can’t add new pictures to my gallery. Bummer. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
But take my word for it, they are as cute as ever. How I have missed having baby animals around. There is nothing like the pure, sweet innoncence of a baby animal. It does wonders for the soul.
I brought a bunch of carrots for the goats. To wish them a merry christmas. It made them quite jolly, I think.
I also said merry christmas to the humans. I went to say it to Alice, who was inside. And a girl came out of the door and asked “don’t you miss Mads?”. One of the kids who have come to the playground for years. I said “yes” and she said “do you really miss him?” and I said “yes, I really really miss him”. She turned to someone inside and said “that’s the guy who always came and took pictures of Mads”. And Alice said “we all miss Mads”. We sure do.
Tomorrow is christmas, doncha know. I will be having dinner with the family. I hope you will all have a good, safe time.
Happy holidays, folks.
Exercise biked: 53km.
December 23rd, 2008 at 23:18
Merry Christmas!
December 24th, 2008 at 15:13
Merry Christmas, my dear danish goat boy!
December 24th, 2008 at 22:54
Merry chrostas guys!