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Heaven And Hell

Let me sum up my day:

Laser eye treatment: horrible just horrible. Goat kids: wonderful, just wonderful.

I am really very tired now, though. So I won’t write much. Just post a bunch of pictures from yesterday. I do want to mention one little cute thing that the babies do. When you scratch them under their chin they move their heads toward you. They stretch out their necks and push their heads forward. I guess the stimulation makes them poke their heads forward so they can suckle for milk. It’s just cute because they do it every single time you scratch them under there. It’s like there’s a little magnet in their head. One time one of them was sitting down when I did it and when he/she had extended his/her head as far as it would go he/she got up on the front legs and just kept moving forward. It must have looked like I was dragging him/her, but all I was doing was scratching under the chin.

Must find out if they are hims or hers. I think they’re boys actually, but I’m not sure yet.

Now for pictures and then early to bed. Doctor’s appointment tomorrow. And after that I’ll stop by the playground again of course.

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

vaniljes kids

PS. Funny sidenote: I pour myself a glass of soda for dinner. A couple of hours later I look at the glass. It’s half empty (or half full, depending on your outlook). Wacky, isn’t it? I have to get used to not pouring so much soda in the glass cause I end up not drinking it all. How things change.

3 Responses to “Heaven And Hell”

  1. Debster Says:

    Bummer on the laser treatments. How many more do you have to get?

    The kids are so cute. Mama Vanilje looks so at ease with them and looks like she’s making enough milk for them.

    My husband let the goats and donkey out for walkies and I came out a little later with a bucket of warm water. Billy let out a “baaaa” and next thing I know John Boy is at the barn having a nice drink.

    Billy soon follows and then there was much interest shown in my hay transfer to their feeders. Frankie and Donkey were the only ones interested in walkies today.

    It was 3F (-16C) this morning and warmed up to a balmy 14F (-10C). The sun was out some today and the wind had died down this evening, so it wasn’t really too bad.

  2. Katrine Says:

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsqueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooh! <- more or less the sound i uttered when I saw the goatkids, they are adorable! (what are they called in Danish? In Norwegian it’s “Geitekillinger”)

    Sorry about the laser, but try to keep in mind that they will help your eyesight from here to forever, so the pain is relatively short in comparison-and I hope you see (no pun intended!) a real improvement in your eyesight soon, that will surely help on the motivation :) Now, go play with the kids, and bring us moar pictures!

  3. Plume Says:

    Debster – I was hoping this would’ve been the last one on the right eye, but doc said there’s one more to go. So one on the right eye and 3-4 on the left. It’ll be nice when it’s over.
    Mama’s doing very well. I’m proud of her!
    I wonder what your goats would say to a little baby goat. If they can get used to a donkey then I guess it would work out!

    Katrine – They’re great aren’t they! In Danish they are called “gedekid”. “Geitekillinger” is goat kittens, right? That’s cute!

    Yeah, the lasers aren’t fun but they gotta be done. I’ll be glad when it’s finished though.

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