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Shummer Shine

Sunny side up this week! Rather lovely. And we’re into June now. That’s the stuff. Finally it’s summer. I’ve been waiting for this. My time to shine. As the sun said to the moon.

Nothing has really happened this week. Spent some time with the goats in the little hills at the back of the playground for the first time this year. I probably already mentioned that they bulldozed parts of it but there’s still a nice spot left. It was nice lying back against the hillside and feeling the sun on my skin while listening to the goats grazing all around me. That’s where I belong.

On Thursday the playground closed for the holiday. I took the goats out in the pen on my own. I like that too. Just me and the gang. And I’m glad I can give them the chance to get out when otherwise they would have been inside for most of the day.

But that’s about it. Not much this week. Let’s go photo.

The whole gang of goats.


Mia reaching.

Mia and me.

Mia and Mio.

Palle. I like these shots with the funny perspective where his head looks much bigger than his skinny legs. Also notice the shadow of the camera.

The bleating Palle.

Still love that face.

Kamel actually off the ground. Imagine that.

Mia on the hill and Kamel looking up.

Mia grazing.

Green feast.

The white lady of the greens is back.




Kamel sneaking up on me behind the bench, hoping for raisins no doubt. She had to settle for a hug.

Is she behind me?


Mia and Palle like ninjas.

Waiting for room service.

Me and the Palleface.

I like walking down the little suburbian side streets when the sun is high and everything is bright and lovely. Summer walks.

And a goatlog. With the goats back in the green hills and fun in the pen and all that jolly stuff.

And especially for the Debster here is a closer look at our birds. It’s the best I could do. Watch out for Bodil at the end.

And that’s Hall for this week, Oates. See you in the next one.

4 Responses to “Shummer Shine”

  1. Debster Says:

    You have a holiday when the month of June begins? Our next holiday will be on the 4th of July.

    You have parakeets and a cockatiel! The cockatiel looks just like our bird Dusty – same gray and white feathers and the cute orange check patch.

    Do your birds talk? Dusty will say “pretty bird”, do a wolf whistle (like when a guy sees a pretty girl and whistles at her), a bob white whistle, and a pretty little song he made up that he sings when he is really happy.

  2. Plume Says:

    It’s the end of May, ish. Christ’s Ascension day, or something like that. Got another one coming up next week. Constitution day. The 5th.
    Parakeets and cockatiel! Thank you. You know more about birds than I do.
    Our birds don’t talk. As you can see in the video I think, Bodil is trying to teach the cockatiel to whistle a tune. Dusty sounds like a cool bird!

  3. Debster Says:

    The budgies will talk, too. They will talk really fast like they have a lot to say and only a short time to say it.

    Both of these birds will learn to whistle, say hello, or say pretty bird. They like to make sounds and mimic words and are very entertaining. Cockatiels can get to be very tame and like their heads scratched. They also love to bathe. We mist Dusty with water and he fluffs up and lifts his wings so we can mist underneath them.

    Oh yes, Ascension Day. I thought maybe you Danes just liked to celebrate June! Hee, hee.

  4. Plume Says:

    I wonder if any of them will start bleating like goats? Heehee. That would be amusing.
    Bodil has birds. Cockatiel too I think. Sometimes she tells me about them. How they have their own personalities and such. How they like to bathe like you describe too. Very interesting!

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