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Emotional Attachment

It has been strange at the playground the last couple of days. Strange when I scratch Mathilde behind the ears and she looks at me. The curse of intelligence. Knowing that she will be gone soon. While she walks around blissfully ignorant that things are about to change.

I’m not letting it get me too sad though. I don’t want my last days with her to be sad and filled with negative thoughts. I’m sure animals can sense these things. And for myself, I want to enjoy her company while I still can.


I actually think she’s pretty. Maybe it’s because of the emotional attachment. Maybe to people who don’t like goats she is not a pretty girl. But I find her pretty. In fact, and I’d never say this out loud, I think as an adult goat she is prettier than Magnethe is. But don’t tell Magnethe that. Because I still love her too and find her gorgeous.

Thank you for all the supportive comments. They really make me happy. I love the fact that I have shared these goats with so many people. It’s amazing to me that there are people all around the world who know their names. Some that will even miss Mathilde. That’s a beautiful thing to me. I love sharing them. That’s why I post so many pictures too. It’s kind of the same things as back in the old, old days when I used to run the Dailysp site. Before it got shut down by the copyright police. Sharing happiness and beauty, that’s a great feeling. I know that sounds like a bad cliché, but really. It’s often easier to share negative feelings. To spread your bad moods to the people around you. At least for someone like me, it can be hard to share the good things too. But when you love something then I think it’s natural to want others to love it too.

It was a good day at the playground today. Despite the strangeness.

mathilde & nougat

Nougat and Mathilde. It’s a nice thought that they’ll go together. With Mandela too. And that they will be used for breeding, that their genes will spread. That their family will grow.

Little Natal has taken over 3B’s role as nibbler. While I was sitting down she kept jumping up with her front legs on my shoulder and nibbling at my face and glasses. It was almost unbearable to think that she will be gone too. At least I will be able to visit her. I really would like to see how they all grow up. Magnethe is the only goat I have seen from kid to adult. It’s fascinating.

There were lots of kids today. Human kids. There was some kind of gathering I think. They had a parasol roof and kids everywhere. When I got to the the goat fold Kurt was inside with some kids.

kids & goats & kurt

And I was greeted warmly. It is such an awesome feeling. To be welcome, to be welcomed. To have a certain status. When it comes to the goats I am _the_ guy. Almost more than the people who actually work full time at the playground. It brings a sense of self-worth that I am still not used to at all. It brings happiness.


How can you not love that guy? Mads all over the place. He’s still in isolation when they close for the night. There was a boy who asked why he was alone like that and I explained it to him. “He’s grounded?” he asked. Hehe. And I said yes, in a way. Poor Mads. But at least he doesn’t have to go to his room without dinner. He gets his food all to himself now. Although I do think he actually prefers to chase other goats away more than he likes to eat the food itself. He’s so bossy.

Some of the kids are getting to know him better. They feed and pet him and they’re less afraid of him. I’d like to think I have a helping hand in that too. Just the fact that I’m in there, and I’m not afraid of Mads. That gives them the first bit of confidence. And of course it always helps to bring him a little food.

girl & mads

Only trouble is that once you’ve given him food then he expects more. And more. And more. It can be hard to get rid of him if he thinks you’re carrying.

kids & mathilde

Like I said in a comment, it’s going to be strange to say Mads & Magnethe without saying Mathilde too. The gruesome threesome will not be forgotten.

To finish off the entry, here is a sheep with a bucket on her head.


7 Responses to “Emotional Attachment”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Mathilde IS beautiful and I think it’s because she’s a sweet soul who used to be shy and thanks to you, isn’t anymore. Or maybe she’s a little shy but she feels safe now. I can’t help thinking she’s really going to miss you. She’ll be waiting for you in that new place. Animals don’t forget people and you’re important to her.

    Maybe you can visit her once in a while. I hope she meets someone as nice as you in the new place. Would Kurt know? When is she leaving?

  2. Kat Says:

    I understand your loss, I have to part with Dogma… you know the one I had on cam doing all those tricks?

  3. Deb Says:

    A sheep with a bucket on its head! That’s funny. Mathilde is a pretty girl, in fact, she’s beautiful. Poor Mads, grounded! Only a kid would think of that word to use. He must have some experience in being grounded.

    Goat question: Does anyone have a good source for hoof trimmers for goats? We have two pygmy goats and what I’m using now just doesn’t do the trick. They also don’t like to have their feet messed with, so I need something sharp, but not huge, like what they use on horses. Not having much luck finding what I need and not sure what to use anyway. Help!

  4. Clare Says:

    Goats are pretty.
    Says the Capricorn :P

  5. Plume Says:

    Katherine – I hope she will remember me somehow. Most of all I hope she’ll be happy where she goes. She deserves a good life.

    She will be leaving on Tuesday. I will try to find out if I can visit her, but I don’t think it’s likely. But maybe some time..

    Kat – I am sorry for your loss. If I was god I’d design it so animals outlived humans. And never left.

    Deb – Yes, I have a feeling that kid knows what it’s like to be grounded, he’s a frisky type hehe.

    I’m afraid I can’t help with hoof trimmers. And since I’m in Denmark it probably wouldn’t help anyway. But good luck!

    Clare – Clares are pretty :-P

  6. Debbie Says:

    Such a bitter sweet entry – so sad to hear that Nougat and Mandela and Mathilde are leaving, but so sweet that we were able to share a bit of time in their wonderful lives with you. This week is probably a hard one to face huh? VACATION! I love vacations! I just came back from California. Must get postcard out in the mail to you! I hope this week treats you gently. Take care, Debbie.

  7. Plume Says:

    Debbie – I wish they all could be Californian postcards! Hehe. Hope you had a good time.

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