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The Greenlands

My computer is still working. What an odd concept. Although my dad reported that it made “a sound” during a thunderstorm today. And it had reset itself. But as far as I can see everything still works. So no worries. No worries at all.

Yes, we have had thunderstorms. Delightful rain. Leaving work today I just managed to get myself good and wet, before I ran for cover inside with the goats. Mads was baahing, even before he saw me. I don’t think he likes the thunder. I think he’s a bit of a fraidycat behind his macho appearance. It was nice, sitting in the hay and listening to the rain and thunder. With the kids sitting around me. That kind of stuff makes me feel all good inside. Which I needed. Getting back to work after the vacation is rough. Yesterday I was sick. Today I was just tired. But just gotta get back into the hang of things.

Tomorrow morning, very early morning, my dad will be leaving for Greenland. Then he’ll be back for christmas. I never did get around to talking about it. All the computer trouble got in the way. But there’s not much to tell anyway. He’s a teacher and he teaches on Greenland. There’s a big shortage of teachers up there, so it’s easy to get a job. He’s getting old, though, the old man. He will be retiring soon I think. Then he’ll come back for good. My parents were never married, when he’s away for months at a time it almost feel like they were never together. But I don’t wanna talk about my feeeelings now. I’ll save that for therapy.

Meanwhile, I’m still playing Oblivion. And I updated the screenshot page with some new shots. Including sheep and nudity. Well, almost nudity. Wanna know something funny? The sheep in Oblivion sound a lot like Mads. Wanna know something else funny? In the old game Ultima 9 there are goats. And they sound a lot like Mads. I wonder if he has been moonlighting as a voiceover artist without telling me?! Or maybe he just has a very universal bleat. It’s fun, though. I wish there were goats in Oblivion. I wish my character could settle down and be a goat herder. Now that would be good roleplaying.

I hope it will rain and storm tonight. I love going to bed to the sound of raindrops on the roof. Doesn’t happen often in the summer.

A little rain goes a long way.

6 Responses to “The Greenlands”

  1. Deb Says:

    Okay, I fell for it – sheep & nudity! Those are cute sheep and that Umbra chick could be my twin sister. (Ha, ha)

    RPG – mmmm, what does that stand for? Rabbits, pigs, and goats? Rocket propelled grenades? Role playing game? I have too many “roles” in real life, I wouldn’t want any more, Landor.

    Luis: Do you have a cat? Plume’s Big Tiger and Little Tiger are sure cute, aren’t they?

    Your Dad’s a teacher in Greenland, wow, I must get out more. I’m not aware that Greenland was all that populated or developed. What is their main kind of business up there? Fishing? Military? UFO spotters?

    I spent too much time in the heat/sun today working (painting a house) and my brain is all melty. **Must make a note to see if any houses in Greenland need to be painted – has to be cooler there!

  2. The Fume Says:

    More nudity please!! More more more !!!

    I dont play rpgs .. I just play with my tongue piercing


  3. The Fume Says:

    I just saw that film, >Matchpoint

  4. The Fume Says:

    It was awful, not recomendable

  5. Plume Says:

    Deb – Sheep look funny naked. There was one sheep at the playground who got her wool cut off and she looked like a big, odd dog.
    So Umbra could be your twin? That’s funny, cause LAndor could be mine. We e ven dress the same way. He has a bigger battleaxe than I do though. Battleaxe envy.
    RPG role playing game. Don’t worry, only nerds know that. I prefer rabbits, pigs and goats really. I want to play a goat and spend my day eating grass and being scratched behind my ears. That’d be the life.
    Big parts of Greenland are quite unpopulated, as far as I recall. That’s where the polar bears play, I suppose. I think their main business is skinny dipping. Haha.
    I wish I lived in an igloo. You could paint it, if you wanted.

    The Fume – Watch out or I’ll get a male orc to pose nude. You’ll be scared and scarred for life.
    I will make sure not to go watch Matchpoint, then. Consider it strikken from my list.

  6. Deb Says:

    That’s funny about painting an igloo. My husband did paint one years ago. It wasn’t made of ice, though. Just regular wood and stuff. It’s a round house and he painted it white. We see it all the time. The lady who lives there has some llamas and miniature horses and a donkey or two.

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