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Scratch Eet

I give good scratch.


At least that’s what Mads seems to think.


Also Magnethe found my fingers to be very tasty today.


She kept wanting to chew on them for some reason. Usually she’s very good at distinguishing my fingers from food. Maybe it was the peanut butter hand lotion I had used earlier?

Nah, just kidding about that.

The end of the week is nigh. And I have big plans. On Friday it is the christmas party at the playground. And then on Saturday I have a Tina Dickow concert. Assuming I can find the ticket. I had a look for it just now and couldn’t seem to locate it. Maybe I should have kept it in a safer place than “lying around the computer somewhere”. Hmm. Well, I’m sure it’ll turn up.

To be honest I am not feeling much like partying and concerting. Two days in a row is a little much for me. But I know that it’ll be good. And I’ll be glad when I’m there.

I better be careful, I’ll turn into a real party animal.

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