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Punxsutawney Polka

I did a little cleaning this morning. Finally got my desk sorted out. As you can see on this picture:


Or at least you would if my camera could focus. Sigh. I hope my new one gets here soon! Kittens and cameras, I cannot wait.

Did I mention I have a drinking problem?


Three kinds of soda plus milk. No wonder my bladder is shattered.

Do you know how much I love the movie Groundhog Day? I love it so much that even though I sat down to watch Denmark-Liechtenstein on the telly I still ended up watching Groundhog Day instead, thus missing the first half of the game. I was zapping through channels waiting for the game to start. And there was Groundhog Day. And even though I have watched it umpteen times before I just couldn’t turn away. Incidentally Denmark won the game 4-0 and all four goals were scored in the first half. The first half was apparently great. And then Groundhog Day ended and I watched the second half which sucked. Hah. Figures. Anyway. Bill Murray is on the list of people what make me laugh without even trying. Along with John Cleese and Luis Lemmings.

What did I have for dinner today, you ask? I had leftovers. I love leftovers. Reheated rice. I love that. I think I like it better that fresh rice. I am weird like that. Reheated rice with some cold chicken and hot bacon and salad on the side. I’m not saying I’m a gourmet chef, but I know what I likes.

I can’t believe Clare hasn’t watched Groundhog Day. And here I thought she was the love of my life. My platonic love, I mean. Well… sort of platonic. I’m such a pimp. Pimpmaster Plume. Ladies Love Cool Plume. And I love Clare. I have known her since she was like 12 or something. She’s like my baby sister. And I’m going to have to force her to watch Groundhog Day. It’s the right thing to do.

16 Responses to “Punxsutawney Polka”

  1. Clare Says:

    Rulin’. *snugs*
    Neat desk. As I said, on msn. :P

  2. Plume Says:

    Clare – There are things I’d do to you that I wouldn’t do to my baby sister though. You know wut I’m saying eh? Eh? I’d totally make a chocolate cake for you, for example. Even though it’s unhealthy. Yes. *puffs*

  3. Debster Says:

    Clare: you really, really need to watch Groundhog Day. Andie McDowell is sooo sweet, she makes my teeth hurt, but I love her anyway. I wish I was that sweet or looked like her or something. I look more like the groundhog!

    Plume: Makes you laugh – Bill Murray, John Cleese, LuisLemmings, and and . . . arent’ you forgetting someone? ME! ME! ME! and of course, you’re little goat MADS.

    So do you and Clare live close by or on-line friends forever??

  4. Plume Says:

    Debster – I didn’t mean to leave you out! You make me laugh too, naturally. Although I think of you with more of a warm smile than a maniac laughter. Sometimes both of them combined!
    Oh and I thought the groundhog was very cute, so don’t sell yourself short!
    Clare lives in merry ole engerland, so that’s a ways away. But we talk on that fancy msn thing that the kids all like. I guess I have almost known her as long as I’ve been online, on-off over the years.

  5. Clare Says:

    Debster: I hate Andie Mcdowell. Hatehatehate! D:
    Yep, I’m from England. And yooung ;) PWN.

  6. Desiree Says:

    Luna was introduced to solids today. Well, all the kittens were, but only Luna knew what to do. She made her merry way into the middle of the plate and started eating the kitten food like it was just what she’d been waiting for all along. I think you’ll find she’s a kitty after your own heart! Maybe it’s because I’ve told her that once she is big enough to leave home she will be going to live with you. That’d make any little kitten learn the new with speed.

  7. Plume Says:

    Clare – How can you hate Andie McDowell?! She is the sweetest thing. I had a crush on her when I was like 9 or something. Golly. I’m going to lock you in a room and force you to watch Groundhog Day and Green Card and that christmas caroll and so on. I needs to educate your ass!

    Desiree – That sounds so good! Thank you for your continued updates. My heart aches with longing. Not that there’s any pressure on the little kitty or anything :)

  8. Debster Says:

    Oh, yes! Clare, you must watch “Green Card” and “Scrooged”. I want to die and come back as Andie McDowell or a pygmy goat (I can’t decide which one for sure.)

    Okay, that clears up a lot of things. Clare is 9 years old and Plume is 12 and I’m 93.

    Animals I saw today: a large groundhog (really, I did) and I was close enough to touch a hummingbird (but I didn’t want to scare it, so I didn’t).

  9. Plume Says:

    Debster – Scrooged! That’s what it’s called. I can’t believe I forgot that it was called Scrooged. Man oh man. For a 12 year old my memory sure does suck!
    Did the groundhog see its own shadow? Or yours? Or the hummingbird’s?

  10. Corrie Says:

    I hate to rain in thne groundhog parade here, but I wanted to drop in and say GROUNDHOG DAY IS THE WORY BILL MURRAY MOVIE EVER!

    Sorry, but it issss!

    Plus, they keep stealing my tomatoes. All this resentment I have towards the groundhogs had to have some outlet!


  11. Corrie Says:

    That’s… THE WORST

  12. Plume Says:

    Corrie – Corrie, not you too!? Has the world gone mad? But I will blame it on your troubles with groundhogs yes. Kinda like elmer fudd and rabbits. Or something like that.
    If I recall correctly you quite like Rushmore, eh?

  13. Debster Says:

    Groundhogs like pears. They sit up on their cute little haunches and hold the ripe yellow pear delicately in their sweet little front paws and nibble tiny bites of fruit while holding a white napkin. (At least ours do in the Midwest.)

    Corrie: But how do you feel about Andie McDowell? Plume and I luvvv her, but Clare actually HATES her. Which I just can’t understand, but which side of the “Andie” fence are you on?

  14. Corrie Says:

    Debster.. Andie MacDowell doesn’t ever enter into my life and I’m content with that! I can’t seem to drum up any feelings about her, neither positive or negative.

  15. Plume Says:

    I wish Andie McDowell would enter into my life.

  16. Debster Says:

    My dear Plume, I think “I” said I loved Andie McDowell first. She will come visit me, then you. We won’t tell Andie about Corrie or Clare. It might be too hard for her to take that SOME people don’t like her.

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