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You’re Like A Kitten With A Ball Of Wool

The sun has come back. With a vengeance.

It’s getting so hot that it’s uncomfortable. Luckily I don’t have to do anything but lounge around, admire my new computer and go spend time with the goats. Sweet living.

Well, today I did have to do some other stuff. I had to go pick up our new printer. It wasn’t shipped with the rest of the computer. And of course the mailman tried to deliver it yesterday, while I was away on goat duty. So I had to go pick it up at the post office today. But that’s okay, I had other errands to run. I had to return a book to the library. A book I shall write about soon, most likely. Can you feel the suspence? Also at the library I had to get a copy of my first pay check from the playground. It came yesterday. It’s not really a pay check, they put the money into my bank account. So it’s more a pay… specification. I don’t know what you call that. But anyway, had to photocopy it to send to my social worker. If I was a lazy, evil person I wouldn’t have told them that I got the litte job at the playground and I would have cashed the money and told no one. But I’m a good boy so I tell them about it so they subtract taxes and what is left they deduct from my welfare check so I end up with… nothing. Nothing but the joy of working with the animals. Luckily that is reward enough in itself.

I also went to the bank and then I stopped by a “buy/sell/swap” shop. By a twist of fate the bus lines has been rerouted due to highway construction work and at one of the new stops there was this shop. And I’d been meaning to pay it a visit. I like all the walls lined with shelf after shelf of old books, comics, videos, dvds, computer games. Back when I was a kid there were only comics and books in those kind of shops. Now we are in the high-tech age and books don’t sell so they have to have computer games too. C’est la vie.

After all the errands I went back home. And decided I needed to do a little more shopping. Which was basically just an excuse to go up to the playground and say hello to the goats. I told myself that I’d just stop in for a few minutes and then go shopping and then get back home. Of course I ended up staying a lot longer. What can you do? Who am I to say no to goats. That would be like a priest getting a call from god and saying “hey I gotta go get a pizza, can you call back later”. Just ain’t gonna happen.

Mads and Magnethe were in the back area, with the litlte hilltops and the grass. They were tied down a little bit apart. Every time I went to Magnethe, Mads would start baahing until I came back to him. If you have seen the videos of Mads you will know his baah, the slight feminist hysterical tone he can get. Eventually I pulled the hook that held his leash up out of the ground and replaced it closer to Magnethe so I could sit down with both of them at the same time.

The kids were elsewhere, out adventuring I think. They came running by just once. Came up to me and said hello and sniffed around and then when Mads started getting pushy they ran off over a hill and disappeared.

And the sun shined. Lying down, eyes closed, the brightness of the sun forcing its way through my eyelids. The sound of the goats grassing next to me. That is heaven.


Yup. I could lie there all day. Of course eventually I started missing the kids, so I went to find them. Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk away from two wonderful goats who are baahing their hearts out because you’re leaving?

Very hard, is what it is.

But I found the kids and let them jump around on me for a while.

The birds are on the loose again. They were locked up for a long time because of the bird flu. Then they were out. And then they were back in. Let’s hope they can stay out this time, it’s fun to have a flock of geese chasing around the premises.


They have usually been squawking their angry squawks at me when I get close, but today they didn’t protest. Maybe they’re starting to like me since I’m now feeding them some weekends.


The ducklings are growing quickly.


Much to the pleasure of the duck, I’m sure.


I love those colourful ducks. The first time I saw them I thought they looked odd but now I have gotten used to them. And colours are never bad.

I think that’s about it. Not a lot going on, but I’m perfectly fine with that. Let’s finish off with the lovely Magnethe.


EDIT: oh yes, my new computer… specs here. No pic yet. But if you’ve see one then you’ve seen them all, eh?

4 Responses to “You’re Like A Kitten With A Ball Of Wool”

  1. Deb Says:

    Well, Mr. Vacation Plume, you sound very, very good and even “happy” during your vacation time. Are you wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt, flip flops, and sunglasses? Going shopping, the library, post office, visiting the goats, etc., sounds like how I would spend time off work.

    Yes, I know how it is when goats cry pitiously at your leaving. Our two boys used to baaaa when they saw us coming (when they were little and still afraid of us). Now they baaa when we come home, baaa when we’re in the yard, and baaa till we go see them. If they don’t think we’ve spent enough “quality time” with them, you guessed it . . . more baaaing!

    Back to your British fry-up . . . we usually have cereal or a bagel and some fruit for breakfast at home. But if we happen to go out for breakfast, my husband likes biscuits and gravy with a side order of bacon. I like scrambled eggs, toast, and hash browns. Pancakes are always a good choice although I don’t like butter and maple syrup on mine. Either jam/jelly or strawberries with a little whipped cream. (You can tell it’s getting to be about supper time here.)

    We saw some pretty ducks and chickens at the county fair a few weeks ago. I always crow at the roosters to get them to crow back at me. And I like to make little “pock, pock” noise to the hens. I like to listen to their soft clucking conversations.

    I’ll have my husband look at the specs on your new computer and watch him drool! You boys and your toys!

  2. Desiree Says:


  3. Plume Says:

    Deb – Dude, I need a Hawaiian shirt for sure. Only problem is that it’s too hot to go shopping for clothes. What a dilemma.
    Yesterday I was looking at my videos from when the kids were born. They were baahing all the time. The whole world so new and scary. And those little “I’m tiny and helpless” baahs. So cute.
    I’m not a good morning person. Sometimes I don’t even get breakfast. Sometimes I just get a glass of milk. Maybe I should try getting bigger breakfasts, might give me more energy in the day. I still can’t imagine actually making hot stuff, like bacon though.
    Hehe, you sound like the guy at the playground who always walks around with the chickens and makes chicken sounds. I on the other hand would never do something crazy like that. I certainly don’t baah at the goats. Never. (Well not while any humans are around anyway).

    Desiree – That’ll do nicely. I am in awe of Raven.

  4. Katherine Says:

    300 gigs of space! You might want to check out an HBO show called Entourage. It’s fun, it’s funny, it’s fantasy, and part real. Addictive! (Sheep farm item, yes!)

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